They Ordered Dessert... And Got More Than They Bargained For

This erotic excerpt by Anuja Varghese is published with thanks to Best Women’s Erotica of the Year, Volume 6, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel (Cleis Press).

Diverse erotic story by Anuje Carghese

From outside, she heard knocking and Kai’s voice, then silence again. Her heart was beating so fast, but the strip of lace wedging itself between her pussy lips was already damp. She walked into the room. They were really doing this. An ice cream sundae in a silver bowl sat on the round table by the window. Shalini looked at it, and then looked at Kai sitting in the chair beside the table in nothing but a pair of black briefs. “We didn’t have dessert,” he said, his eyes moving over her body. “So I ordered some.”Shalini licked her lips and gave the lace a slight tug. “It doesn’t fit exactly right,” she said. Why was her voice shaking?

“Come here,” he told her, so she did, stopping between his spread legs.

He ran his hands over the lace, along her sides, caressing the curve of her hip, cupping her full ass. On the edge of the chair, he buried his face between her thighs, inhaling her, licking her, tasting her wetness.

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“That’s not fair,” Shalini breathed. “I already had my turn today.”

“Who says we’re taking turns?” Kai replied, making her cry out as he nibbled lightly on the flesh of her inner thigh.

“I do,” Shalini said, and climbed astride him in the chair. He was hard beneath her and she wanted him so badly, but she wasn’t going to let it be over that quickly. She rubbed her pussy along his shaft through the briefs, and he groaned, gathering up her breasts, feeling the dark nipples harden against his palms.

Shalini reached over and scooped up a spoonful of ice cream. She brought it to Kai’s lips. “Thanks for dessert,” she said.

He took the ice cream offered and then, with one hand on the back of Shalini’s neck, guided her mouth down onto his. She kissed him deeply, lapped the sweetness from his tongue, and felt his kiss become more urgent. “More?” she asked and reached for the bowl again, but he beat her to it. He tipped it onto her chest, making her gasp at the coldness of it, seeping through the lace. The material tore easily when he wrenched it apart to set her breasts free so he could eat the ice cream right off her hot skin.

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All this time, Shalini hadn’t stopped grinding her pussy into him; the sensation was too much to control any longer. He took her face in his hands and said, “Shalini, I really want to fuck you.”

“That’s good, Kai,” Shalini replied, hair wild, breasts sticky and sweet, cunt soaking wet. “Because I really want to be fucked.”

She slid off of him and caught her breath, retrieving a condom from her purse on the floor. She dropped the thong, he lost the briefs, and with the rubber in place, Shalini positioned herself above him, legs splayed wide, hands on his shoulders for balance, and then slowly took the full length of him inside her.

She touched her forehead to his, eyes locked together, as she started to rock her hips, finding a rhythm that set them both on fire.

Holding her in place, Kai met her rolling hips with his own deep thrusts, and when he knew he had her on the edge, he reached down to stroke her clit with two thick, wet fingers until she screamed and collapsed in a heap on his chest. With a hand in her hair, Kai asked her, “Can I come inside you?”

“Yes, do it,” she said, flicking her tongue over one nipple, then the other. He came with a stifled cry, his lean body rigid in release. After a shared hot shower, Shalini got dressed and took a cab home, seeing the beautiful city around her with brand new eyes.

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Begging for more? You can buy Best Women’s Erotica Volume 6 here, or find out more about Anuja Varghese.

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